Veracrypt delete volume
Veracrypt delete volume

veracrypt delete volume

I was able to back up the header previously and created a test file following post 6 here: I then proceeded to copy off the whole block of encrypted data from offset = 1048576 to the end of the drive and save it to a file with Winhex. If the header is in the wrong place and not decrypting what is the best possible way to make sure the header is in the correct sector of the drive, so it decrypts correctly. I truly appreciate your response the scenario quoted looks to be what is happening I've added some screenshots to help show what I am seeing in both Winhex and Hxd. I'll try to get to that soon.Ĭlick to expand.


However, I haven't used it in a long time so I can't post any instructions on how to use it. I haven't tested it on VeraCrypt volumes, but I expect it will work. The hex editor doesn't have to be WinHex.


The other possibility is that the header was restored to the wrong location (ie, not at the exact same distance from the data that it used to be), in which case the volume will still accept your password and will appear to mount normally, but the data will not decrypt and you will merely see a very long block of random, patternless data. There should be lots of them in decrypted data. You can also switch to Hex view and perform a search for a common pattern such as 00000000.

veracrypt delete volume veracrypt delete volume

Either of these things indicates that the mounted volume is decrypting. In text view, you might see common words like "file", or long stretches of empty space (ie zeros). Switch to Text Only view, then scroll down while looking for recognizable data. So first you need to mount the volume, then open the hex editor and select the drive letter that you mounted the volume to.


I wrote this for TrueCrypt, but VeraCrypt shares a lot of the code and it should work the same way. In your first link, "Part 3" of my post describes a way to look for decrypted data in a mounted volume by using a hex editor. If the header is even one byte out of place then the data will not decrypt. Decryption only occurs if the header is located in exactly the same position (relative to the data) that it was in originally (before the accident). The next step is to figure out whether or not VeraCrypt is actually decrypting the mounted volume's data. Please it appears that your password is being accepted and your volume (whatever it may consist of) is mounting, so that's a good start. My next steps would be copying the data file to the new disk and recreating the partition, but I need some help with doing so.


I then followed the following threads below and created a test file that was also mountable.Īfter the test file was successful, I was feeling good and thought I was closer to recovering my data by either copying the full encrypted volume to another disk or mounting the file (which did not work). The Volume does not contain a recognized file system". Windows does not recognize the file system here is the exact error "Z:/ is not accessible. Restored the backup header to the existing offending drive and now Veracrypt accepts the password but threw the following error message: I went through various threads by Dantz which were super helpful and discovered I could backup the header. I received the incorrect password error message. After this happened, I quickly checked to see if I was able to access the VeraCrypt partition with the password. The exact procedure I did was locate the hard drive in MiniTool Free Partition and delete the partition and then create a new partition.

veracrypt delete volume

Unfortunately, it was my external hard drive that housed all my important data which is now not accessible. Hi Guys new to the forum- I accidentally formatted my 2TB external hard drive with encrypted nonsystem partition thinking it was the new drive.

Veracrypt delete volume